Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Temporary Hiatus

So between finding a new job and having to relocate for said job I'm going to be rather busy for awhile, so posts are going to become rather sparse and sporadic for the next few weeks. Once I get settled at the new location I'll be moving back to updating weekly (or more if time allows).

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause my three regular readers. Rest assured my long winded nit picking will resume with time!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pacing and Padding: Decreasing Value to Increase Price

Image ©
We've all played games that seem to drag on far longer than it should, or played those tacked on sections that are completely irrelevant to the rest of the game. As expectations rise for grand, expansive games so does the tendency to add more features and content into games beyond the initial vision. Budgets and scopes of games are becoming so grandiose that play times can stretch well over 100 hours before you come close to seeing everything the game has to offer.

But when does additional content shift from being an added bonus to annoying filler?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Narrative in Games Part 2: Mixing Oil and Water

Not every game is consistent between the cutscene and gameplay narratives.
Last week we took a look at narrative in games, splitting it into two concepts: explicit and emergent narrative. Explicit narrative referring to the type of story generally told in books, film, and other traditional media, and emergent narrative referring to the story that emerges due to the choices and actions taken by the player within the game's mechanics. We looked at the strengths and drawbacks of each and touched both on why these are often very isolated from one another and how they can still reinforce each other even when disconnected.

This week we'll take a look at a couple ways that developers are already trying to integrate the two together more directly, as well as a few example games that demonstrate these methods.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Narrative in Games Part 1: Cutscenes vs Gameplay

Don't worry, in another 10 minutes you'll remember this is a game.
Video games have had a rather mixed history when it comes to storytelling. While many games certainly make attempts at telling grand, meaningful stories most of them tend to exist primarily or entirely inside either cutscenes or dialogue dumps. Despite the fundamentally interactive nature of games their actual narrative tends to be strictly non-interactive - or at best with only slight variance along a small number of discrete paths. As a result many in the gaming community heavily criticize cutscenes in games, claiming that they instead try to mimic films rather than utilizing the inherent strengths of the medium.

So, are cutscenes a crutch that less innovative or skilled developers rely on, or do they have merits within video games?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bit Rant: Leveling Into Atrophy

Bit Rant is a parody series intended to overstate issues with specific elements in gaming for comedic effect. While some points are valid to a degree it is not intended to be taken literally.

Experience and leveling systems have become so ubiquitous in games that you'd be hard pressed to find any game released in the last several years that didn't have leveling in some form. Despite constant jokes about the pervasiveness of mechanics like shooting and sandboxes, leveling systems largely sidestep major criticism despite being arguably the most overused element in all of gaming.

It's unfortunate that the most manipulative and least interesting mechanic in the history of gaming is the aspect that has been propagated through the entire medium.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Simplification of Games: Dumbing Down vs Focused Design

The "dumbing down" of games tends to be a pretty polarizing topic for many gamers, and it's easy to understand why. In order to be interesting or fun games have to engage with the player on some level, and one of the most common and effective ways of doing that is a challenge - and a game being too simplistic or easy can fall flatter than the disk it ships on.

With all the ire and venom the gaming community throws at dumbed down titles I think that gamers have lost sight over what they're trying to fight for. A lot of people will cite specific game elements or tropes as crutches for dumbed down titles rather than trying to understand what makes a game engaging or not.

Rather than argue whether specific games are or aren't dumbed down, I'd like to take a look at what does (and doesn't) cause a game to feel dumbed down.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Weekend: First Impressions

Well, I was lucky enough to get a beta key for the Elder Scrolls Online beta event last weekend so I dove right into it. Most of the press I've seen regarding ESO has been from the perspective of long-time Elder Scrolls fans looking for their next fix rather than an MMO player checking out a new entry in the genre, which seems a bit unusual to me. Now I certainly have some experience with the past Elder Scrolls games but I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore fan of the series.

So, here are my first impressions of the game from the perspective of a fan of MMOs rather than Elder Scrolls specifically.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thief Impressions and Comparison to Thief II

With all the old franchises receiving reboots I'm somewhat surprised that it took so long for Thief to get the treatment. Because the Thief series has always held a bit of a niche appeal there's been a lot of speculation about the reboot and whether or not it would carry the spirit of the older games or fall into the trap of over-simplification for mass appeal.

I decided to do as fair a comparison as I could between old and new, so I replayed several hours of Thief II: The Metal Age before touching the new Thief. I examined both old and new with a critical eye, trying hard not to let my own nostalgia of the series cloud what it actually was in order to give the reboot a chance to stand on as even ground as possible.

Here are my thoughts and impressions after playing the first 5 hours of each game side by side.